What software do I need for CD-RW

I just got a DVD -R/RW drive (Pioneer). It came with a DVD-RW. But, I need some kind of software to format it and allow me to use it as I would a floppy disk. The probelm is, is that I tried Nero InCD, but that didn't work. I need some other kind of software. What software would be recommended to use my DVD-RW as I would a floppy? That is, so I can write and re-write to it in Windows Explorer.

Dr. Zombie
Hi, Dr.

you can try the good DLA ... It is integrated to Veritas Record Now Max (search here in forum) and should works fine with your Pionner DVD-RW drive ... Otherwise, you can try Instant Write, that comes with VOB Instant CD/DVD Wizard (look for it here also), but i have not tried it ...