What is the newest version of Stomp

What is the newest version of Stomp RecordNowMax? Is this the same as Stomp RecordNow I have seen different version flying around and want to make sure I get the right one.

Dark Sith
RecordNowMax 4.5 CD/DVD Editon..there is a Premium Verson that includes additional software..that is the only differance...If you have Version 3.0...you can upgrade to Version 4.5 Free
Latest Stomp RecordNowMax is 4.5, but Stomp is just a reseller. The program is a Prassi design, which was sold to Veritas and then to Sonic.
The other two RecordNow resellers is Orlogix (In Europe) and Easy Systems in Japan. Easy systems has already released RecordNowMax 4.6, the other two will follow soon.
With my Sony DRU-500 I got RecordNowDX 4.6, which works fine as non-OEM, too.
IMHO there is no real "development" of this program for the last two years, just use 4.5 from any source and apply the last PXengine update from Sonic site.
IMHO too RecordNow is the most reliable CD and DVD burner that exists, after the almost disfunctional (due to GUI) Padus Discjuggler.
the latest version of recordnow is 5.1, comes with ibm labtops. the new version sports a new look. we should expect the next update from sonic to be 5.1+ with a new gui.