What is the best ??????????

Hi Guys

I am ready to buy the last piece of my PC jigsaw and this is the DVD reader . What i would like to know is WHICH is the BEST , THE BEES KNEES , THE DOGS BOLLOXS etc etc ????? . It will be used for DVD and DVDr aswell as CD and CDr for games ( xbox , PS2 etc ) and Audio so it has to be GOOD . I would prefer a SCSI but an IDE will be fine too . At the moment it will be joining my ......
UltraPlex 40x , Pioneer 104 , Plexwriter 40,12,40 . Cheers and thanx for your thought and opinions .......

All the Best

KEN ;)

Thanx pokopiko for the advice i had a funny feeling that a Liteon would be reccomended but what about a SCSI option ?????? Will this be good for Disc to Disc copying of DVD games the SCSI option i mean ???



First of all thanks for the info...dug these up with the search!:D



Ive been doing some looking...the holidays are near as you all know. I gather that the models to pick up are the LTD-163D or the LTD-165. The situation I run into is how to determine the subtle differences between models.

I have found LTD-163, LTD-163D, LTD-165, LTD-165H and LTD-166S. Anyone got any words of wisdom on deciphering model number/labels? I checked out LiteOn's site and the only models listed with spec sheets (that I could find) are the 163 and 165.

Appreciate the help, later...:D
Ltd 163d it reads dual-layer DVDs. It's very reliable, quick and quiet drive. The only down is it only reads DVD-R and DVD-RW media. The newer Ltd 166S model can reads all DVD media including DVD+R and DVD+RW.
Still if your goin to play orginal dvd's the 163 will do ya, but likewise for backup say no more.:D ;) 166s for mi your pick bro.
Thanks RASTABT, the info is much appreciated! The $ difference is only $15 between the 163D and the 166S...Im just looking to get the most compatible DVD companion for my LTR-40125S. I think Christmas may bring me a Clone license too...we'll see.
