what is a top cd drive for reading?

It seems my SCSI Poineer CD/DVD drive is terrible for reading, and must be the reason I'm getting so many read errors, even when using clone cd or alcohol. Is there a concensus on a top cd drive for just reading? I'm thinking a Plextor? or?..........
Once I get the data off the copy protected cd's, I can write it using my TDK Velo IDE CDRW. Or maybe I could read with the cdrw, and creat an image file, then use the same drive to burn with? Don't know if the TDK cdrw is noted for getting past read errors.
Your TDK is fine for reading,and writing.Read errors are part of the copy protection.Already explained it in your other thread here..


scarecrow said:
...which is more expensive than many burrners out there...
And sadly discontinued by Plextor. :( However, they do offer refurbished units and some online retailers have them still..... for a premium of course. ;)
The-poacher said:
I got one two excellent ROM but my LiteOn 163 DVD ROM performs about the same >> but a lot cheaper + its IDE & DVD
Agree. Very good performance, good price. This drive was a surprise for me, when I bought it... :)
Plextor PX-40TW or Lite-On LTD-166S any of this is great I´m using both of them and haven´t found any problem at all.
weboneando said:
Plextor PX-40TW or Lite-On LTD-166S any of this is great I´m using both of them and haven´t found any problem at all.
Does the LTD 166S audioprotections?LTD 163 not.......
That´s an interesting question I don´t know really because I can´t tell because I don´t have any audio protected cds so far.

Do you know wich ones are audio protected?
The LiteOn LTR 52246S burner can defeat Key2Audio v.1/2/3, DocLock v.1/2/3 and Cactus Data Shield 200 according to a hardware test at CD-Freaks. There is a hardware review on the Lite-On LTR-52327S by CDRLabs but they don't test pc\audio protection. I'll have to search and see if I can find some info on the LiteOn LTD DVd-Roms....

Edit: I found a hardware test at CDr Info on the LiteOn LTD 163 DVD-Rom. Hardware tests doesn't specifically go into audio cd protection but very interesting to read. Note that there have been a few firmware updates for the Litey LTD 163 DVD-ROM.

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FaLcOnFaN said:
and Cactus Data Shield 200 according to a hardware test at CD-Freaks.
This is only partially true......there are several revisions of CDS 200.....the 1 that is used on the Clouseau "En Dans album",can't be ripped by the Litey....