What DVD Software to use??

I'm Getting Very frustrated making DVD's from Satelite is harder then making svcd,got the new liton Dvd burner and it's software Sonic my DVD ,makes a good capture and conversion to dvd as long as it does not exceed the 4.7 gig but the 1 hour 25 min movie is 5.5 gig,so i use dvd shrink to bring down to size,and tried burning as data cd in record max but it will only play on computer,can you get a bigger size dvd media then 4.7.Any Reply's will be much appreciated.

Yours and basically everyone elses can only burn max of 4.38gig. I believe a DVD+R is slightly smaller (4.37g) than a DVD-R (4.38g) both being labelled as 4.7gig capacity.
cheeser said:
I'm Getting Very frustrated making DVD's from Satelite is harder then making svcd,got the new liton Dvd burner and it's software Sonic my DVD ,makes a good capture and conversion to dvd as long as it does not exceed the 4.7 gig but the 1 hour 25 min movie is 5.5 gig,so i use dvd shrink to bring down to size,and tried burning as data cd in record max but it will only play on computer,can you get a bigger size dvd media then 4.7.Any Reply's will be much appreciated.

hi, use nero to burn ur image, use dvd-video and not data image
It does not work with Nero?! So, you are very lucky!
Sonic/Veritas/Stomp RecordNow (DX or Max) supports your burner with the latest PXUpdate, the program is ages better than the current Nero version, so if it does not work read the program documentation (or the tutorials here) AGAIN. RecordNow is coaster proof and idiot proof (I think- at least I had no probs with it...) :rolleyes:
I use copytodvd. Works great. I use dvd shrinkit to rip and reencode and then copytodvd to burn it. Never fails. I can take Gladiator and compress it down and put on 1 disc. Total time to rip/compress/burn is under 1 hour
I use copytodvd
If I`m a somebody,i would forbid that software together with alcohol(drinking)l!!!..Few more things too like roxio and audiocatalist........kiddies bands like Backstreetboys too:) LOL


Gold Member

if you are looking for the best quality then use dvd2dvd-r/cce2.5 and burn the files with Nero or the highly recommended RNM 4.5.
are you trying to copy an origanal dvd or are you trying to copy movies off an external source like a sattelite if so there are load of differant tipes of software ; depends what you want. give us a shout kev66
You are right i'm recordind directly off satelite with my ati card,very good quality,just got to watch my bit rate on diferent length movies right now im burning with dvd movie factory 2 not to bad.