What does Instant Copy Settings Editor Do


New member

Maybe this is a foolish question. But I have read Mr. Bass guide, but I am still not sure what I need Instant Copy Settings Editor for. Is there a English guide for this program

I strip the move with DVD Decrypter
I strip only the main movie with DVD Fab
I copy only the main movie with Pinnacle

WHere does Instant Copy Settings Editor come in


asd108 said:

Maybe this is a foolish question. But I have read Mr. Bass guide, but I am still not sure what I need Instant Copy Settings Editor for. Is there a English guide for this program

I strip the move with DVD Decrypter
I strip only the main movie with DVD Fab
I copy only the main movie with Pinnacle

WHere does Instant Copy Settings Editor come in


Hi Andy!

welcome to the forum!
InstantCopy Hidden Settings Editor, as the name suggests, tweakes settings in InstantCopy that are basicly "HIDDEN" from the average user, this settings give you the power and ability to fine tune IC.
Enabling you to get better quallity, closer to 4.37 GB or faster processing
whatever your personal focus is....

An english documentation is only in translation state, no release date can be predicted yet :(

but if you run into any trouble, you can ask here anything anytime, and we'll try to help best we can!

besides the settings editing ICHSE offers some nice addon tools, but most are intended for IC7 and wont be neccessary with IC8!

A brief explanation to each IC Setting is contained in the gui aswell
And most of the tools features in ICHSE are explained in the 'History.txt'
File included in the release!

hope this clears it for a start :)
