What app do you recommend to convert mp2 to mp3?

I have just started to record some audio files from a digital video broadcast.
The file are saved by the app as .mpg but they are layer 2, 256k, 48khz.

What app can I use to convert them to mp3 at 44.1 khz?


Lame if I recall correctly can accept mp2 files directly. Although I am not sure if it can resample or not, so probably better off using BeSweet like ChickenMan suggested or HeadAC3e.
Thanks guys

Thanks for the replies.

Chickenman, you may be interested in where I am capturing the audio.
I'm getting it from ABC Dig radio which is sent out as a stream in the digital television that is being broadcast in Australia.

It is also easy to capture the mpeg2 video stream.

If you're interested I'm using a VisionPlus card from Twinhan.

The Australian supplier is http://www.digitalnow.com.au/


Way to go m8, there is some great stuff done by the ABC, pity they keep getting their budget cut.

Having those cards in your PC makes it easy. Good one.

By the way BeSweet uses Lame and TooLame for mp2 to mp3 comversions so done with quality in mind.
To convert mp2 to mp3 the best progarm is poiksoft's Easy CD-DA Extractor

it's cheap and it does everything you want it buy it you won't regret it
new BeSweet 1.5b19 and BeSweetGUI 06b77
with great news like:
hybridgain (one pass normalization) for mp2 files
and DTS output via surcode DTS encoding software.
- support for ogg vorbis input files.
and more...


(click on "beta" in the top of the page)

Another vote for BeSweet... it is a little more intimidating than EasyCDDAExtractor, but it converts everything to anything, and it's free.
Nutha one for BeSweet... the Poikosoft stuff may be easier for noobs (or rather people that have never heard about the exotic thing called commandline), but it's very limited in its nature and not having even 5% of the BeSweet options.
videochap2 said:
I have just started to record some audio files from a digital video broadcast.
The file are saved by the app as .mpg but they are layer 2, 256k, 48khz.

What app can I use to convert them to mp3 at 44.1 khz?


The best and easiest way to do this is to use Cool Edit Pro 2.1 which can extract audio from any mpg or avi file. After extraction just save to mp3 format.