well hellow everyone


New member
Hi im new to all this kind of stuff thought I would join to get help on all kinds of stuff as Im just about to buy a dvd writer and have just bought my son an x box which is due to be chipped with a executer 2.3 lite and I would like to back up his games and also back up my movie collection. so get ready for all my really dumb questions as I dont have a clew when it comes to dvd films and games so I would like to say sorry in advace and thankyou
Welcome to the forum!Dvd writing/backups is a whole new ball of wax.Lots of information available here,check out the tutorial sections first. ;)
welcome bud to our humble but informative forum :)

our resident GURU's In your gaming fields will be able to talk you through any questions you may have ..in an simple to use guide and help you with all your needs :)