Welcome back Woody


Gold Member
i see that you are back in the first world....it´s nice to have some electricity :D :D
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Yeah..everything is back to normal.Not so bad though..I got the day off work.Nice to have power again..thanks! ;)
fffclub said:

2 days back in the dark ages, hope you had plenty of candles
Hi bud!!Luckily the power went off during the day.We are still not up to full power here in Canada.Looks like another day off for me. :)

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Our province is still not at full power.We are waiting for a few nuclear plants to come on line.They have to be brought up to full power slowly.
welcome back woody...try 2 keep an electricity generator @ home or c our pal duracell 4 some good & nice batteries 4 power backup :D
Now I know what it feels like to be computerless!

Fit new PSU and HD (replacements for old but working models, bigger & better)

Blasted PSU was faulty, and too late to sort it out - could have put the old one back but the miserable layout is such a swine to get the system box out of (since it also participates as a shelving support for the scanner, thanks to the wretchedly short SCSI cable that denies any sensible placement!)

So, that was the rest of the day gone, plus most of today fitting and copying the drive .... several dropped screws, and cables that wouldn't come off if they were on, or go on if they were off - oh yes , and the hard disk hanger with NO support while you put the screws in ... that little bit of fun wasted mosat of today.

I'm in a pretty foul mood!
LTR12101B said:
Now I know what it feels like to be computerless!

I'm in a pretty foul mood!
So was I,my friend. ;) Good luck with your project.It will be worth it in the end. :)


yup I remember that day when the power ran out. Well it wasn't as bad as ice storm though. no no.... The power outage was as good experience. 2 days of no computer!?! i don't think i'll ever make it thru dat again.