welcome back cdrsoft.cc

Welcome back to one of the best sites on the web,
Perhaps those of you using pop up killers and ad blockers should take some time to reflect wher the WWW would be without sites funded by these means.
Maybe there would be no web as we know and love it.
keep up the good work N.B
p.s to those of you who cannot stand ads etc. perhaps you should go AFK and take up knitting:D
We are all glad to see that CdrSoft has rised from its rest. Lets hope it will remain for long a long time. But as you say we all have a responsibility. If the appearance of a few popups are what is needed then it should be easy for us all to contribute for the survival of the site. The popups on CdrSoft are few and unlike many other sites the adds are not the aggressive sort.

fair fu$%in play

Well all i can say is fair play to N.B and his team the best site on the net for cdr software is back up and kicking like a bitch..a note to all those with popup killers just TURN EM OFF when visiting cdrsoft so we can all benifit from the hard work that has gone into the quality site we have all come to love
Could never agree more, like its not like the stupid porn popup's anyway.:rolleyes:

Give the guy a chance.....he has work bloody hard over the years to keep that site, even when he was drafted into the army:mad: .

Great site, and a big contribution to us all:D

it must be my lucky day, salvaged my fried AMD2000+ and CDR back online, a site for sore eyes, Keep up the good work
you will always have my support 100%:D
Keep up the excellent work.It's so hard to find a site of this quality anywhere.I know if I ever have trouble,and I know I will,this is where I will find the answers.

Once again,thanx for the awsome site Guys.:)
I must say its so good to have you back. I realized this already some days ago but didnt have the time to say it. I am here now and I want to express my biggest THANK YOU! that you decided to rise up again.

I appreciate your work and hope that you dont get influenced by negative stuff again. Also lamers who dont know a fu**ing shit about life should pi** off and get their own hands on such a time consuming site to see and appreciate your work.
