Weird Buffer Error


New member
Sometimes when tryng to burn a pdi to dvd-r I am getting an error - bascially it is a like a buffer-under-run error - which should not be happening since my A06 dvd burner has burn-proof enabled -

Can anyone suggest anything - I have it set to write to HD first, Simulation First, Burn-Proof on.

But then sometimes it works perfetly.
i don't have a DVD-RW, but common recommendations are:
- defragmenting your HDDs
- setting your HDDs and your DVD-RW to DMA mode

Greetings from


New member
serjer said:
& disable ur AV esp if its norton ;)
I have it set at DMA mode but I have not disable Nortons.

However the werid thing is that it burns my DVD-RW fine - this is so weird.


New member
woody said:
Could be a bad batch of media also.. ;)

They work ok with nero - so this is relaly puzzling me - I think I will make a iso fromt he pdi and then burn using nero ...