We need a new look

It's some bit of junk I found in the mozillazine forums - just been having some more fun with it - one site contributes the format and SOME elements, the other fills the content.

The effect ranges from vaguely amusing, to absolute junk - forums work quite well as content, but the forum layout overpowers everything else if used to other way round


It would be a lot of work to be sure and someone would need to volunteer to maintain it.

But a more simplified version could fly around here. Those pages are too complicated for us IMHO.

Let's wait for N.B. to see what he thinks... it is his site in the end. ;)
This is entirely "just for laughs" - try the website mixmaster yourself at
(removed link, some of the examples are a little too strong) (**Contains some 18+ links**)

Pick a site with a strong layout (the whitehouse site seems to be a very good model) for the layout, and another site for content.