here are some of the clues !? ....
William Campbell (Paul's so called "replacement") says "You say goodbye, I say hello..." in the Hello Goodbye song.
You can find where Paul is buried on the cover of Hey Jude.
On the Abby Road picture, Paul is the only one without shoes. And in some shots, he is walking the other way.
"You Never Give Me Your Money" has a part that says "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 All good children go to heaven."
On the Abby Road picture there is a a Volkswagon with the lisence 28IF. And Paul with have been 28 if you include 9 months pregnancy.
In the same picture, the scenario is: Paul is dead, John's an angel (He's wearing white), Ringo is the Minister (black), and George is the grave digger (demin).
On the song "Come Together" it says "He got hair down to his knee... he got toejam football... he got monkey finger..." -- when you die, you shrink giving it the look that your hair and nails keep growing.
On the Sgt. Pepper Album, Paul is said to be replaced by William Campbell. On the cover, the man behind Paul has his hand raised... means Paul's dead.
On Let it Be, Paul is the only Beatle without a white background. And in "Two Of Us" it says on our way home. Does that mean to heaven?
In the song Strawberry Fields Forever John says "I buried Paul..."
Somewhere a glass onion is mentioned. A glass onion is a coffin with glass on top.
In the song Mother Nature's Son it says "Find me in a field of grass..." because he's buried beneath it.
In the movie Yellow Submarine, there is a part where John is singing All You Need Is Love and he sings "Yes he's dead..." and you see the word Know turn into Now. Also during that song, they sing "We loved you, yeah, yeah, yeah."
In the song Hey Bulldog it says "You think you know but you havn't got a clue."
At the end of I'm So Tired, if you play it backwards, it says "Paul's dead, miss him, miss him"
On the back of Sgt. Peppers, the Beatles' B looks like a deranged skull and there is a groove of 3 holes standing for three Beatles left.
On the front of Sgt. Peppers, the flowers spell out Paul with a question mark. Some of the flowers also spell out BE AT LESO which is the island where Paul is buried.
Inside the album, George is pointing to the words "Wednesday morning at 5 o'clock" because that is the time Paul got into the accident.
If you hold a mirror up to lonely on the drum, is says I ONE IX^HE DIE. That means eleven/nine (november 9) he die. That's the date Paul got into the accident.
The color of Peppers is Red, the color of blood.
Paul is out of step on Abby Road.
In Glass Onion, John says "Here's another clue for you, the Walrus was Paul." and in some countrys, Walrus means corpse.
There is a saying that Life is a bowl of cherries on the cover of McCartney (Paul's first solo album.) and there are no cherries in the bowl. And the red juice resembles blood.
The cover of the white album is pure white, with is a mourning color in some countrys.
There is a song called blackbird and black birds are signs of death.
Inside the book for the White album, there is a picture of Paul and a skeletan hand reaching for him.
If you lisiten to Blue Jay Way backwards, you can hear George saying Paul is bloody, Paul is very bloody.
In While My Guitar Gently Weeps George moans "Paul, Paul" in mourning for his friend.
If you play the song Revolution 9 backwards you hear a car accident and someone saying "Come on Paul, better get you to a surgeon."
Also in that song, you hear a scream and fire and someone yelling "Get me out!" It may be Paul trying to get out of his burning car.
The 9 in Revolution 9 is because there are 9 letters in McCartney.
In the White Album book, Paul is laying a bath tub. The water line comes up to his neck, meaning that Paul was decapitated.
In an issue of Life, Paul said he wasn't dead. On the reverse side of the page, there is a car add. If you hold it up to the light, the car covers all his body except his head. Another sign he was decapitated.
In She Said She Said John sings "She said, I know what it's like to be dead." The She maybe Paul.
Inside the book for Peppers, there is a picture of Paul with a patch that says OPD -- Officially Pronounced Dead.
In the video of I Am The Walrus, the drum says Everyone loves 3 Beatles. One of the Beatles is missing.
On the back of Abby Road, there is a bunch of dots in front of the word Beatles. If you connect the dots, they form a 3 indicating that there are 3 Beatles.
In Come Together John sings "one and one and one is three" meaning, once again, three Beatles.
Also in that song John sings "Come together right now, over me" Maybe standing over a grave?
Later on in the Come Together song, John sings "Got to be good looking cause he's so hard to see." and Paul was known as the good looking Beatle.
One of Paul's solo albums are called "Flowers in the dirt." indicating flowers on a grave.
If you hold the cover of Magical Mystery Tour upside down in a mirror, a phone number appears. Some say you hear Billy Shear's voice saying they were getting closer.
anyhow the plot thickens or maby does not lol !? YOU DECIDE people !?