Warning!! Pioneer 107 hacked firmwares

Just saw this news over at The firmware page Forum. Full details are posted there.

Flash (The firmware page Forum) Posted @ Sat Mar 06, 2004 10:10 am uk TIME BY THE LOOKS OF THINGS.
I have been advised that the patch removes the 1x, 2x & 4x burn functionality for some 4x media giving 6x and 8x only. I have yet to verify this but until such times I have withdrawn the firmware from my site.
The topic can be found right here
I read this as well and I have the patched fw on my drive.All options seem to be covered there and as it only really affects the 1 xmedia I to dont really care about it and at under 90 quid for a new drive if it breaks and I cant get it repaired under warranty then its my tough luck.Also I only burn at 6x anyway.