... AGP 3D graphics accelerator slot ...
that's it; you are able to connect a AGP card
i think DirectX 8 graphics accelerator cards (eg GeForce3 Ti200, GeForce3 Classic, GeForce3 Ti500, GeForce4 Ti4200, GeForce4 Ti4400, GeForce4 Ti4600, ATI Radeon 8500) are only rational, if your processor runs with a clock of 1000 MHz or more;
i checked your postet link, and there are only two DirectX 8 cards;
one is the ATI Radeon 8500 and the other GeForce3 is at this site: _http://www.bestbuy.com/detail.asp?b=0&e=11121246&m=488&cat=521&scat=522
here are the copied System Requirements: PC with Intel® Pentium® II processor or AMD-K6®-2 processor; Windows 95 (OSR 2), 98 or later (or Windows NT 4.0 with SP 5 or 6);
AGP 2.0 port; 64MB RAM; 10MB available disk space; CD-ROM drive; 300-watt power supply
so the resume is, your PC must support AGP 2 standard; this is not granted in your posted system overview; check the homepage of your motherboard fabricator;
If your motherboard does not support AGP 2 standard, the card does not work!
@ poko
i thought the performance difference between AGP 2 and 4 is not a large one