Virus ??

ok i know there was tlak about the riaa releasing a virus on kazaa inthe mp3 files but so far all i have found out is that every snigle software or rip fil ei have dled has had a virus in it or up to 200 and every single mp3 i get is perfectly fine

has anyone els had a problem with this

whats the best freeware virus scanner/healer?

thanx in advance
Yep M8

It's seems to mainly infect exe's, i found that most the exe's i got had the win32hppy virus & a couple of others, But Nortons AV 2002 has save me ass with kazaa so many times

I'd recommed that, but have a look in the freeware link section, they have a biw about F/W AV there

Might help U out


Check it out here

If that dont work the n subsitute the Ip address with
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thanx i have a disk with nortan professional systemworks 2003 just at the moment it is at someone elses house and i have to get ift back

i will install norton antivirus and update to the max and then hopefully it wil lbe able to repair the files bc i have a dial up and i dont wanna have to re dl the stuff again
Just make sure U enable AutoProtect & script blockin in the options.It will even scan Ur email if U set it right


No Probs Just Glad 2 help m8.The only prob i had with mp3's was some of the albumwraps are just the same song over & over.Most annoyin