VirtualDub does'nt see capture card!

Title says it all.... VirtualDub can't see my capture card... only my web cam.... I installed the capture card after having VirtualDub installed...Should I reinstall it (virtualdub) ?
if you're using WDM-Drivers for your capture card it's normaly;
then your only way to capture is via DirectX-API

Quoted from VirtualDub HP:
"VirtualDub says I don't have a capture device, but I know I have one.
VirtualDub needs a Video for Windows capture driver to capture. Most Firewire (DV) devices do not provide a VFW driver, and thus cannot be used by VirtualDub at all. Also, ATI appears to be shipping their current devices with a WDM (Windows Driver Model) driver only; this can be used indirectly by VirtualDub through a Microsoft wrapper, but it is crippled in functionality and it also appears that the wrapper is buggy.

The wrapper will show up as "Microsoft WDM Image Capture (Win32)." If it works for you, great.

ergo: maybe it works, maby it don't works

Btw for me and my Terratec the wrapper doesn't work :(
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2 questions

Did you try it under W98SE?
Are "Video for Windows capture driver" available for your capture card and W98SE?

if you have installed "old model drivers" (Video for Windows) in W98SE and VirtualDub can't see your capture card under W98SE, i can't help you :( ; maybe ChickenMan can solve it

if you had try it under XP, try it again with W98SE
good luck boy
All I can suggest is to capture under Win98, as thats what many people do because of Win2000/XP drivers and particular hardware issues.

I have an old VHXtreme 98 that works great under windows 98 using the original software. When I "update" to windows XP I found that the only way to use this hardware is using third part sofware. I found a very good soft for TV displaying (DScaler). For caturing I also use VirtualDub, but it's slowest than the original soft, so I use DScaler to see TV under windows XP (that works better than VHXtreme software used under win98 and it's freeware)and sometimes when I need to capture some images I use windows 98 SE (also have dual boot O.S). I didn't found any FM tunning software that recognize this VHXtreme card under windows xp.
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