video software

you could try the freeware program " moviexone " its a little hard to track down now as its been replaced by "moviexone plus"

this is a short review :-


If you've finally gotten your hands on a
video camera, you may have run into the harsh reality that video-editing software does not come cheap. MovieXone is free software that can edit video and audio, add titles, and convert between formats. All current video, graphics, and audio formats can be imported into a video production, animated, then played back in different formats, such as streaming video. There are A/B-editing tracks, one video/titling track, and two audio tracks available. MovieXone is available in German, English, French, Spanish, and Italian.

i found you a link tho this is it 24mb zipfile :)

<a href="">download here</a>

I would advise using a download manager :)
Thanks everyone getting there with video software but givin up with CD writer!!! off to buy a new one!!! if anyone has 2 yr old cd writer & expects it to work with XP giv up now & save days of hasstle!!
The writer shouldn't be that much of a problem, but the software that came with it may well not support XP.

If it won't work with BurnAtOnce - THEN I'd say you're out of luck!
The WinXp writing capabilities are elementary to say the least - and often need to be turned off to use other software reliably.
I like your sense of humou LTR! tried all sorts of soft ware now to no luck. Cannot get the windows have stopped drivers from loading ot so presume anything I do will not load!. Now got that I cannot restore to ANY date!!!! Searched microsoft site & they warn certain CD Drivers can stop system Restore!!! Nice one now have no way of backing up all files and look forward to format HD.. Thanks XP thanks HP luv to all!!!! C

If you have room on your HD, you could always use Partition Magic to make a second partion (or use a 2nd HD), boot from floppies, back up to the 2nd partition with Drive Image.

Then format only the 1st partition, reinstall XP, install PM so you can extract your data files from the compressed image on the 2nd drive.

Just another way to thank XP & HP (Lovecraft?)... ;-)
What drive is it? - some old drives (that rely on CDR4VSD, identifying as a type 4 "WORM") are definitely NOT compatible, thought this tends to be a limited number of drives of 4x or below.

They would also NOT be usable as a standard CD-ROM without this driver.