Video Games Tricks And Cheats Encyclopaedia

Video Games Tricks And Cheats Encyclopaedia - French (l'Encyclopédie des Trucs et Astuces de Jeux Vidéo).
ETAJV PC v18.59 (2822 Ko)
ETAJV Playstation 2 v2.41 (778 Ko)
ETAJV Gamecube v0.41 (488 Ko)
ETAJV Xbox v0.55 (440 Ko)
ETAJV Playstation v9.91 (1743 Ko)
ETAJV Gameboy Advance v1.07 (500 Ko)
ETAJV Dreamcast v2.32 (772 Ko)
ETAJV Nintendo 64 v3.19 (766 Ko)
ETAJV Gameboy v3.71 (607 Ko)

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Very good French site, much useful stuff there!