video capture software???

Hi everyone,

I'm looking for video capture software to help me capture videos (analogue) at full resolution (720x576 or similar).

I have an analogue video capture card, and software that allows me to capture at full resolution, but without compression. This means that one minute of captured video turns out to be about 600MB! I hate to think what would happen if I wanted to capture 90 minutes of video... :eek:

I also have another bit of software that allows me to capture with compression, but only supports video up to a maximum of 320x240 resolution. Not good enough!

So what I want is software that will allow me to capture at full resolution, with compression. I have tried Adobe Premiere and had no luck with it (dropped frames like crazy). Any other suggestions? I'd like to be able to try out the software. I don't want to end up with buying something on someone's recommendation, and the thing won't work for me!

Thanks in advance,
ime not sure but try downloading virtualdub, i know this will cature analogu and also be able to compress it. you can find tutorials on this program at and
well if you plan on making a VCD or some other platforms, it isn't recommended to capture at that size (352x240 for NTSC/352x288 PAL is good *this includes for most DivX also).

Virtual dub should do the trick but there are a few software out there (aver), but all depends on compatibility with your card.

I'll stick this in the appropiate section.
Video Capture

you didn't mention how fast your system is.
type of harddrive
video card

I use AMD 1600 + ... OCed in BIOS to 1500 MHZ.
ATI AIW 7500 and Maxtor ATA 133 80 GB
I capture at 640x480 ... at 5kb bitrate ... no frame drops

I use Cyberlink PowerVCR 3 Pro or ATI MMC 7.5 or 7.6

Works for me
VirtualDUB has been recommended, it can capture at what ever your capture card is capable of and compress using what ever codec you have installed on your PC. Highly recommended.

Another to look at is AVI_IO, less options, less complicated but if it ever drops frames then there is a problem with Windows or your overall PC setup. A Search on the forum will find you the program.