VET Antivirus 10.52

VET Antivirus 10.52 for Workstations

My first post so for a start here is clean and simple antivirus, use little resources.

Just some info on Vet which btw is part of CA (Computer Associates):
Vet is one of the leading anti-virus products in the worldwide market, consistently performing well in independent tests. Vet automatically detects and cleans conventional file and boot sector viruses as well as macro viruses that infect Word documents, Excel spreadsheets and Access databases. Vet provides excellent protection against Internet and email-borne viruses, protecting your PC from infected files downloaded from web sites around the world, and from infected attachments sent to you via email.

Supports Windows 95,98,Me,NT4,2000,XP

100% Australian Made. Vet is written in Australia.
Also get the latest Vet virus updates posted further down this thread.


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Thanks, I respect this program.
But what about the next updates - I rememeber they requires registration on the server and that stopped me to use it and go to Etrust.
I will attach the updates here once I get it.

btw how does Vet compares to the other antivirus that are not-bloatware. F-Prot 3.12 looks small but i havn't try.
use "custom install" for vet and say no to having Internet connection so it won't ask you to check for web update all the time

you will need reg for sig file updates, so up load here the only way to update, ( sig update every 24 to 48 hrs)

one of the better anti virus prog out there:)
To get the update files
Do a search using
Will come up on vet site also but will not let you in
Will show up on other sites though


Oh I am willing to pay a member fee to keep site alive
I am unable to download ver 10.52, it goes 30% and then stops and starts from very begining. can any one help me.....