I tend to only encode to SVCD. But i see a lot of stuff in VCD format. In what situation is it better to do a conversion to VCD? Is it a total filesize issue or will some things actually look better as a VCD?
from viewing many VCD'S and SVCD'S i can tell you that SVCD is the better quality picture and supports better quality audio too :)
SVCD is far better quality than VCD's.

VCD are popular in that thay are smaller then SVCD's, equal in quality to VHS Tapes generally, quicker to encode, use 1 or 2 CD's (instead of 2 or 3) and caught on throughout Asia in a very big way.

Stick to your SVCD encodes, going to VCD is a backward step.
Yeah just struck me as weird that people would bother encoding stuff to VCD just to save some mb but lose loads of quality.
I have been downloading old TV series for years and have run into few WOW! VCD, many just so so SVCD (about same as average VCD and some worse), and few WOW! SVCD as I though I was watching DVD (just crystal clear).


I've been using DVD2SVCD for some time rocks !
Fire and Forget, usually end up with 2 bin files 2 burn with CDRWin, quality stuff

Wouldn't touch VCD :)
Strkes me as weird that anyone would encode to VCD or SVCD.

But wait, perhaps everyone doesn't have a dedicated PC hooked up to their TV.

Hmm, perhaps also not everyone has an SVCD capable DVD player.

So to sum up; VCD = smaller and more compatible.


Most of the cheaper set top DVD Players (UK £50-80) seem to play anything you chuck at 'em ! :)
VCD, SVCD, MP3, Photo CD's, DVD-R ect

It's the Posh ones that are more picky !