This might sound crazy but i want to convert vcd to svcd. I have a vcd tv series that sits at around 450mb per episode, 4/3 aspect ratio. My theory is that i can convert to svcd to lower the file size to 400mb per episode and get two episodes on a standard 80 minute cd. (can't find 90 minutes in this country and cds are too expensive here anyway).

DVD 2 SVCD won't allow VCD as the input format. Any ideas?
One problem, a 450meg VCD file (45min) will go out to 750meg file and still fit to one CD !

Lowering the bitrate of a SVCD to make a 400meg file of a 45min episode will result in a dramatic loss of quality and the whole conversion just not worth it in the end.

XVCD's (VBR turned on, bitrate of about 1000 and audio bitrate to 128) would be your best solution but then no guarentee they will work in your DVD Player. Quality will be less than a VCD but may satisfy your needs.
hmm, it's maybe not worth it then. i wouldn't want the quality and less then it is now. just such a waste of a cd for 450mb!!! i'd like 2 episodes per disc and i've tried cropping the credits and "in last weeks episode" bit and it's still too big.
Unfortunately thats the problem. You can either get SVCD copies next time as they will then fill the CD and have substantially better quality as well.

Alternativly if you can live with PC viewing only (yes I know its now possable to play them on a couple of NEW DVD Players), then convert them to DivX.
i'll just leave it i think. i can watch divx on my tv through my tvout cables but because they are so long there is slight intereference in them.