D door 1 Jun 6, 2002 #1 IS it possilbe to copy music for a vcd to wav. file so i can make a vcd into a audio cd. thanks DOOR.
IS it possilbe to copy music for a vcd to wav. file so i can make a vcd into a audio cd. thanks DOOR.
E elpresidente Guest Jun 6, 2002 #2 hmm.. yeah .. just demultiplex (with tmpgEnc) the *.mpg file and convert the audio 2 wav (I think Bsweet will do the job ) but wait for chickenman ... he knows the vcd stuff better than I do üsse
hmm.. yeah .. just demultiplex (with tmpgEnc) the *.mpg file and convert the audio 2 wav (I think Bsweet will do the job ) but wait for chickenman ... he knows the vcd stuff better than I do üsse