VCD Problem

Ok guys..I have a dozen of mpeg1 files-videoclips 40-50mb.I wanna make a vcd..When i wanna burn em in nero,it sayung that is not compatible,and askin me to recode or turn off compliance...Same as tmegenc..Do i should join`em-make a one mpeg and after make a vcd or i can somehow throw all files and make a vcd somehow..All files are mpeg1 but they got diffrent rezolution,frames..just videoclips from all kinds of sources..Any help is more then needed..Thanks,,... :)
Edit..When i try with those universal joiners-spliters i can see that some are 240x352,240x320,29.9fps,30fps.Btw,i would have to reencodeem first probably somehow-me thinks..Anyway,any idea is welcome.
Edit2;Somehow i found some files with same fps and resolution,joinem with easy joiner,it plays in a mpc but still nero asking me to recode or not???
Btw,i remember people saying that nero encoder was crap in version5,is it still bad in version6.3,if i have to use it??
Still,when i open latest tmpegenc and try to make a project(vcd),i load the mpg but it says""invalid video source""??
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Unless they are true VCD compliant files then Nero or any other [program will NOT burn them as a compliant VCD. Also, just because you can jion some doesnt mean anything more than the 2 files were of the same structure.

You really need to check every file 1 by 1. 352x240 is a valid size for NTSC VCD and provide bitrate is 1150 and audio at 44.1/Stereo/224 bit rate then all it may need is a simple demux & re-mux with TMPGenc. 352x288 for PAL. If they differ from that then the best to convert them back to a compliant VCD is Panasonic MPEG Encoder standalone version 2.51
or.......... if you know your player can handle pretty much any vcd that you throw at it ...use a CDRW and go for broke and burn as a none compliant as a test if you are unsure may get lucky and your player will play it :)

worth a try :)

and prolly quicker than testing each clip :)

but if you are really needing the compliant format follow chicken mans advice zver :)
You know,problem is couse thats a one of those newones videoplayers in car...Like for example,it can play dvds and svcd but they have to be by specs..And here in Canada is so cold now,i hate to go out and check the disc..Thats why i would like to be sure its good..LIke for example i have a problem with some mp3s-if its vbr....So i go safe-cbr,like just example..,I do agree,about home use i throw everything-if it works good,if variation.. :)
Ok,thanks anyway.