User prohibitions

I'm using version and have only used IC a few times with limited success.
I've recently backed up Terminator 2 using the default User Prohibitions. Although the ISO image (converted with PDI2ISO) would play on the PC, the burned image (Using Nero) would not play on my stand alone.
I tried different U\Prohibitions settings with another film, selecting to back up the main film and the making of, this time the film wouldn't auto start on my standalone and would not bring up the main menu, although this seems to work ok on my PC?
My U\P settings are:
default selection + menu title, menu root, chapter search,title play,return. Where am I going wrong?
Also, the maximum 4.32GB doesn't utilize the full capacity of a blank disc, whats the highest i could go?

Thank you
Emmaxxx said:
I'm using version and have only used IC a few times with limited success.
I've recently backed up Terminator 2 using the default User Prohibitions. Although the ISO image (converted with PDI2ISO) would play on the PC, the burned image (Using Nero) would not play on my stand alone.
I tried different U\Prohibitions settings with another film, selecting to back up the main film and the making of, this time the film wouldn't auto start on my standalone and would not bring up the main menu, although this seems to work ok on my PC?
My U\P settings are:
default selection + menu title, menu root, chapter search,title play,return. Where am I going wrong?
Also, the maximum 4.32GB doesn't utilize the full capacity of a blank disc, whats the highest i could go?

Thank you
Hi Emmaxxx!

1st you urgently should get and install the update for InstantCopy, there have been a few bugfixes and improvements to the version you currently use!

2nd did you also remove (deselect) anything from the T2 Title ?
InstantCopy is known to mess up the navigational info on the DVD if you do so, resulting in what you experienced : incompatibility with certain standalone / software players! Some can handle these corrupt infos, others dont

3rd usualy the User Prohibitions removal works o.k., but no guarantee on that either

4th There is no rule on how high you can go with the destination size, this differs from dvd to dvd, you need to play around a little to get a feeling for it. There are many factors wich influence the outcome size!

Hope this brings a little light in your problem ?!

With Terminator, it was the 2nd disc (extra's) I backed up and yes I deselected material i didn't want for quality gain. I try to achieve 70\75% quality. Selecting every title seriously reduces this percentage.

So, by deselecting am I reducing the playabilty for a standalone, and would the upgrade make all the difference?

Emmaxxx said:
With Terminator, it was the 2nd disc (extra's) I backed up and yes I deselected material i didn't want for quality gain. I try to achieve 70\75% quality. Selecting every title seriously reduces this percentage.

So, by deselecting am I reducing the playabilty for a standalone, and would the upgrade make all the difference?

Hi again!

yes, deselecting titles reduces compatibility with stand alones.
there are still some things you can do

a) dont remove, but compress to 30% (requires no further knowledge)

b) first set the unwanted titles to stills with DVDShrink (freeware), leave the rest untouched. then process with InstantCopy as usual (fairly easy, but requires additional HD Space)

c) use one of the Guides on the net to remove the Titles e.g. with IFOEdit, you can find a complete one e.g. at MisterX/MackemX site (requires additional knowledge about other prgramms and usualy DVDStruktures)

Personally i'd prefer method b, it's pretty fast, easy and the result as with all 3 options is still a 100% compatible DVD

To the update. It doesnt address the TitleRemoval Problem, but fixes some other serious problems. It also improves the size estimation, so InstantCopy will at least come closer to the 4.37GB limit. So its highly advisable to update. You can get the latest update here .

Sorry for my late reply, just returned from a holiday.

Thanx for your time and help....most appreciated :)
I'll have a play with option B. Although I have some knowledge of IfoEdit on removing titles, I still need to encode.
Just curious, is there a way of joining vobs of different titles with an ifo file that, say, could be encoded with CCE (cinema craft encoded).

Thanx again