used/ refurbished notebook buying advice

i need to get a notebook for school and since i only have about 500 to spend, i feel it would be best to buy used or refurbished.

all i really need on the notebook is an internal cdrom, modem, floppy and network card. if anyone has any suggestions on good brands, models, companies to buy from, etc. . ., can you please post your comments or send me an email.

subject to individual taste. I would say go with something that has an older intel chip *P2 or P3 (as the older AMDs weren't good, just the newer ones but out of the price-range & also P4).
Check to make sure it has enough RAM in it (at least 64MB, but 128MB+ preferred). Would also suggest testing everything in it if possible first (before buying). Scan the HDD for errors/bad sectors. Floppy doesn't really matter on brand, same with cdrom drive (as long as it can read).
Brand wise:
NEC, Toshiba, Sony, IBM (which by the way you can buy some brand new for your price range).
Some other brands (but with caution):
Acer, Asus, Compaq, anything else lol

have a look at this site for some comparisons: