Used Read Buffer Problems


New member
Ok here is the problem. I had been burning DVD's for quite a while. Then for some reason my used read buffer went to 100% and then like a minuet in it steadily dropped to 0% and never came back. This happens all of the time now and it causes my dvds to burn much slower. I have a new dell computer with a Lite On burner. No matter the program I use it now takes longer than it did before. I use Nero mostly. I would like to know if anyone knows how to fix this problem I would appreciate some help. Email me at or just reply here and I will check it.
Have the drives (or one of them) slipped out of DMA mode?
See what NeroTool reports...

You also seem to have had the same trouble I do with the options for Font/Size/Colour in the forum - if you spin the scroll whel of a mouse, and the pointer passes over one of those dropdowns, it acts as if you clicked it - a browser or mouse driver issue, rather than a forum one... and it STILL catches me out!