I have a Gigabyte mother board that is supposed to have 6 USB 2.0. Now the usb 2.0 was working fine until I formatted, now it keeps on saying (when I put my usb 2.0 memory key) you are sticking a high speed device in a low speed slot or something like that. Now this usually happens when I stick my usb key into my keyboard usb (which is only usb 1). The first thing people say to me is download the xp SP1 and install the motherboard and chipset drivers. My problem is that I have installed all chipset, mother board drivers and all XP updates and it the usb slots still only work as USB 1 this is really annoying because I need usb 2.0 and I have no idea what to do, don’t tell me I have to format again and hope for the best, Tsk Tsk..