url for burnatonce

Hi guys, I just noticed some members here are using burnatonce.
I hope you all like it - update coming soon!

redir.net, the service that burnatonce website runs on, is currently down so I registered a domain name.

Please use this url: /www.burnatonce.co.uk in future and allow 24hrs for domain name to become active.


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@ jamieo

Welcome to the forum !

keep on posting and share your knowledge ...

enjoy the community ...

Re: jamieo

joripe said:

I presum from your post U are de man re burnatonce

nice little proggy Tnx :cool:
Yep, that'll be me alright! :) Glad you like the program, there are more features on the way...



Re: Re: jamieo

jamieo said:

Yep, that'll be me alright! :) Glad you like the program, there are more features on the way...
Hey jamieo welcome to the forum! It is a pleasure to have you with us.

Thank you for your work on this great proggie. Do a forum search for Burnatonce and you will find how many times it is recommended here. A simple but effective CDR proggie based on CDRDAO. Simply the best! :cool:
Well jamieo dis is de right place to promote your apps bro.
Just post your update news here 1st. Ok after your homepage den ;)
Very nice app's bro!
Yes...thanks bud!!Our members really like your program!!Looking forward to hearing back from you regarding any updates or new features!:)
Hi jamieo that name sounds familiar,hehehe.I can vouch that burnatonce really ROX!!!!!!!!!!!! and I recommend it to everyone on the board to give it a try.No and I am not being paid because the proggie is freeware and I just love it.So there.Till laterz:)



I'm not a programmer, but agree that this would be a worthy cause. If I could kick the extra CDR soft off my 'puter in favor of a good all around burning proggie...I would do it! Thankfully, I got rid of my bloated CDR soft (like Nero, EZ Creator, DirectCD)

I agree that some of the best proggies out there are freeware. EAC, Burnatonce, CDMage, LAME, Kerio Personal Firewall, ..... :cool:

I would encourage any programmers on our forum to join this worthy cause!
@azanian - hey fella! small world eh? :D

As for new features in burnatonce I just released 0.79b which implements cd reading... this will be more interesting when cdrdao 1.1.6 is released with subchannel read/write on a par with clonecd :D ;)

I am working on something real nice for 0.8x at the moment which I hope to release as soon as I can find time.

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jamieo said:
As for new features in burnatonce I just released 0.79b which implements cd reading... this will be more interesting when cdrdao 1.1.6 is released with subchannel read/write on a par with clonecd :D ;)
Excellent! :cool:
jamieo don't 4get it would save us sometime if you uploaded your s/w in our Software..News section ;)
We had a few good reports about your app.
Tanx again for keepin us posted bro!
w*w.burnatonce.co.uk will always be the main source for news.

News and updates are posted there as soon as they are available and it would be a lot of work for me to replicate this to all interested forums.

However, there's no reason why forum members can't post burnatonce news to Software->News ;)

I may set up a mailing list to keep peeps updated...

roadworker said:
Great work jamieo......very interested in the upcoming version..... 0.78 made Cdrwin superfluous,maybe 0.80 will be a replacement for CloneCd????:D:p
He he... yep, it is true - primary objective was to put out a viable alternative to cdrwin for burning images but replacing clonecd? Well, that would depend on cdrdao.... subchannel read/write is great for psx etc but for pc games (which I have few of) we'll need something like 'amplify weak sectors' - if we get that (and ability to copy on the fly) we're laughing!!!! :D :D

btw, burnatonce was never intended to be used as a copy protection duplicator but if the functionality is in cdrdao then it will be implemented.... ;)


p.s. "roadworker".... hmm... I know that name from somewhere.... :p
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And its great to see a fellow Brit coming up with the goods as regards a great burning prog ! well done mate !!! :D