Urgent Help Xbox


New member
I am in Desperate need of help. i am new to the xbox hacking scene. i have struguled but finally chipped my xbox with the excuter lite 2.3b plus. i have manged to flash the chip with the new excuter bios 4981 i think i cant really remember.i dont know how to connect my xbox to my pc.and i dont know how to install evox dash. and is there any software that i can copy my xbox games without having to connect my xbox to my pc.i am getting boged down and confused with tutriorials.some one plz help!
in one word NO

no way possible to back them up without connecting the xbox to the pc follow the guides in the console section under tutorials :)
I haven't really done too many tutorials yet for Xbox, until then I would advise you to have a look at the tutorials section over at Xbox-scene
under EvolutionX

It is very simple to create your EvoX disc and install the EvoX dashboard, you just need to take yout time and follow the steps :)