Updated Bootable Tools CD

I want to create a backup CD with a few packer and other stuff. And I want to boot this CD at startup with your boot menu so that I can also repair my system with the same CD.

What would happen if I burn your boot menu as 1st Track and add a second with my stuff, would it still boot?

I will try it out as soon it is possible to download your boot image again.

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I tried it once to ad things to a boot image but it last time I tried the the CD looked empty for windows and you could just see the apps if you started from the boot cd.

But the links seems to be broken, I will try tomorrow again.
solaris said:
Should be now problem to add as many files you want to the Image.

Try to add files with WinISO. I think it works.
If not, you have to unpack it and add files to the folder. The tricky part is to make it bootable again.

If you need more help I am willing to answer more question :D

Easy way:
-create floppy image file with WinImage
-add .IMG file to main ISO with WinISO
-extract diskemu.cmd and edit with any editor
-inject file again with WinISO
-burn as boot CD

thank you solaris very nice post i love the boot cd you post some days before but i can't download the updated one....
Can you please post it here in the forum... it's one of the greatest tools.. a must have.... :)