Unable to view www.cdrsoft.cc

Since yesterday when I try to open www.cdrsoft.cc/index3.html or even via www.cdrsoft.cc main page (yellow page )clicking on enter,
I get a pop-up window: Downloading file / from site.cdrsoft[1]
with following options: Open - Save - Cancel

Any of those options result in NOT seeing the wanted blue page.
But in another pop-up window: aborted...
Therefore I cannot access this site.
It results in a almost complete white page
where only the black news banner on the bottom is visible

Going straight to the forum is no problem.
Any suggestions, please?

Hi, all

For some strange reason in my IE6.0 advanced options:
"Use HTTP 1.1" was turned off.
I have no recall of doing this deliberately so maybe some program did it for me.
Anyway turning this option back on, cleared the problem.