Tutorial for burning two or more SVCD to a DVD and make Menu?


I have made several SVCD on regular CD`s. What I wanna do now is to burn a DVD that contains two or more SVCD to on DVD.

The questions I have is:

Can I do this?

Can it be made so that I have a navigation menu that I can navigate and deside what movie to play?

What program do I do this in?

Is it possible to Join two SVCD into one file? What program to use?

and least but not last:

Is there a Tutorial for this???


hey mate ...

It is possible to do this ... and btw. it isn´t that difficult ...

1. Use DVDPatcher to change the Header (to avoid reencoding) of the Mpeg files (cause SVCD resolution isn´t DVD standard compliant....

2.Use DVD Fusion (Tutorials included) for reauthoring --> really easy to create a menu...
