Trying to buy a "dsl modem/router" or "hub/nat/firewall" any suggestions

Trying to buy a "dsl modem/router" or "hub/nat/firewall" any suggestions

I know this has nothing to do with the theme for this forum - but im sure there are dsl users out there - so if anyone got suggestions to make please post them, cheers :)

Basically trying to get dsl internet sharing re-done on my network.
and i just hate having to leave the main pc (connected to my *dumb* dsl modem) on all the time just so that the other pc and notebook can use the internet as well. Thats how its currently setup.

So I'm trying to stick a smart router or a box thats a hub/nat/firewall (i dont necessary need firewall) any suggestions on what to buy?

I know netgear got some similar products, not sure how goo they are.
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Yes, Netgear do have them, a little expensive though. If you look around there are others that do the same at half the price.


A good one here in Australia is "D-Link" DI-804 DSL/Cable Firewall Router. It cost $275 ( 90 Pounds).

Also 3Com (Can't remember the Model number - sorry ) about 100 pounds.


I am looking for the wireless Netgear MR314. ~359€

If you don´t need wireless then look for the:

D-Linkk/Neteasy DSL 4100~188€

W-Linx MB400S~163€

US Robotics Broadbandrouter~201€

Sorry but that´s all german online prices...and all in ugly Euro
All these suggestions are good, but if you want something that probs works better than those routers & you can probably get dirt cheap (if you don't already have the parts) is using a linux box as a router.
All you need is an old 486PC with 8MB of ram & a floppy drive with 2 NIC cards in it. Can't beat that can you. lol
I use one myself, & to help you out even more, here is the easiest way for you to do this:


have fun.


I agree with you shadoe_Phantom. But when you really think about the work involved in :

1. Getting the Subcriber box (ADSL or Cable) connected to
2. 486 PC ( Desktop or Mini Tower )
3. Setup of Linux to act as a NAT and Proxy and Firewall
4. Having a second PC switched on everytime you want to access the internet on your LAN.

I would personally spend $150 and have a small good looking black box and save myself the headache.
ya you make a good point Houman, although the site I posted does all your configuration for you (a file you run & put onto just a floppy diskette)- no linux needed. It puts the linux you need in just a floppy diskette.
But ya, it is bulkey.
although personally I plan to make a nice compact 1 (or as compact as possible), by making a flat computer case/tower just big enough to fit in the mobo/cpu/floppy drive/vid card/both NIC cards. Shouldn't be any bigger than 12"x12"x4" (give or take an inch or so). Still a little bigger than a nice compact router, but you can always make it look as cool as you want (like case modding).
Just a suggestion if you already have those parts (old PC), otherwise if you have to spend the money, then by all means get a good router.
Cable router or switch

Sence cable has hit my area I get on the average of 2 3 phone call on the cost of setting up two our three computers on the same cable modem. I personaly run 3 networks with about 5 to 8 computers on each network. Iuse a switch because it ajust the band with better for me but if your only doing two to four a router is your best bet I use Dlink LINKSYS both are easy to set up run in to any problems dropme a line I'd be glad to help you out
Thank for the suggestions guys

I already brought the equipment i needed :)

I went for the Alcatel Speed Touch 510 (a newer model than the Speed Touch Pro with Firewall) with NAT/PAT/DHCP with single 10Mbps ethernet port. With that i got a Netgear FS105 10/100Mbps switch (autoport sensing).

I'm more than happy with the setup and how the gateway / modem / router is connected to the LAN. The netgear switch is brilliant - much better than using the Alcatel Speed Touch 510 with integrated 4 ethernet port 10mbps hub.

- - - - -

Only fustrating problem I have is configuing the router, I've oly got it running on the basic installation profiles. So its not configured to my liking. On top of that theres a lack of information on configuration, which doesnt help.

- - - - - - -


i considered using that option - but it also meant leaving a pc on continously just so other pcs can connect, that was why i wasnt too keen on the idea . . .

I was aware of that linux firewall software thats self bootable from a floppy disk ! - I've been trying to get hold of it - but i forgot what it was called.

If you want to build a FLAT computer - i would consider a rack mount 2 inch high computer - though its much larger than a pizza hut LARGE (or even a US supreme sized - I bet they are enourmous in the states) pizza though :) then again i dont know how big asian pizzas are :)

@ Master

already got my LAN wired up with ethernet cables running around the house :) besides wireless LAN are a bit too expensive for me.

Cheers for the suggestions - i already checked out the D-Link 4100 - wasnt too keen on it :).


Thanks for your suggestions too mate :) I would prefer to go buy a little box with eveything in it - than fiddling around with a bulky 486 :)


Cheers for the offer to help, I agree a switch in your case would be better, a hub would be too much hassle it'll end up flooding your network with packets and cause more collisions which woulnt help your networks. Thats why i decided on a switch too.

Maybe i should have considered Lynksys Router/switch, there seems to be too many things to configure on the 510. Its giving me a headache right now.
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got my Netgear MR314´s easy to configure and it´s working without problems.
But if you are looking for a good firewall then this Netgear shouldn´t be your choice.
Cool :)

Well the fiewall wasnt really necessary, just that i prefered the way the alcatel looked and the fact it was software upgradable. :)

But geez - the alcatel 510 isnt so easy to configure. I got the basic NAT with DHCP working on the lan - 3 computers sharing the single IP i have for the router. But cant setup the PAT up properly. The lack of literature is a bit of an upset.

I just got a standalone machine running SecurePiont a linex app. It was a real bitch to get set up becoase I don't no that much about linex but I'm trin to learn. I think I you can get an old 486 or better a dedicated machine is the best. The software is free at ( alot of nice linex stuff here check it out