True or false?

if your fsb is at 533 and your ram is at 1066 then your ram is always waiting creating a bottleneck

****Guys I'm not trying to spam here. It's just that this guy is simply finding any way he can to trash my P4, which, in my opinion is a good machine.
hrmmm... did you take into account the Multipliers ? the fsb is too manipulated by it... wat you say in theory is true... but there is always logic to proove otherwise... :D
I think if your FSB is 533 and your ram is DDR (double rate)..then your Ram is right if it shows 1066....My FSB is 166...and my Ram which is DDR 333 is showing 333mhz.
Tell him that you also have a 486 DX2-66/ 8MB RAM/ 800M HD which you use as gateway/proxy, so if your main puter goes bust you will be able to live until you'll buy one IDENTICAL to his.
And finally, ask his advice which one of the two you should use as a gateway in such a case!