Trouble w/ Pioneer DVR-S606 and Ulead


New member
I recently purchased a Pioneer DVR-S606. I have Windows XP, and the drive is recognized by Windows Explorer. However, when I use Ulead MovieFactory 2, it will not recognize the drive. I have tried reinstalling the program and it still does not give me the option to select the F: drive (the dvd burner). Would appreciate any suggestions.
Welcome kdbelle333 you have the Firewire/use version of the A06/A106 drive which according to Ulead homepage this program currently does not support.
It's supports Pioneer A103 etc to A105 drivers..Having said this a colleague of mines has their a106 working with this software. I'll try and find out their set up or if they has had an issue getting it to recognize the drive.... :)
PS:if you been using the firewire conncetion please try using usb2 instead (some firewire driver's have issues with XP CHECK Mircosoft homepge for this under firewire problems or firewire drivers )
PS:1 more thing does the drive get recognized in your other burning apps?