Kaiser Soze
New member
Hello guys. I am a total newbie at back up games. My question is this. I have a v4 (scph 35001) PS2 and a Gameshark v4 disc. I have an ISO image of RED DEAD REVOLVER and am having problems loading it. I burned it with the latest version of NERO on a memorex -R dvd. I used the card swap and it didn't work. This is my very first attempt at playing a back up game. Am I doing something wrong? Can anyone assist me in the process in playing it? Is my version PS2 compatible with playing back ups? Shoud I try backing up another game to make sure that the RED DEAD REVOLVER ISO is not corrupt? I can try with WRC Rally if you guys suggest it or Fight Night 2004 (just bought it tonite). Any advice is greatly appreciated.