Tray wont stay in


New member
Just got a new Pioneer 107D burner, and all has been well for 1 week.

Now the tray wont stay in on the damn thing. Doesn't matter what type of media (all types). It goes in for about 4 secs, the drive doesn't seem to spin up, and the tray ejects again?

The only way the tray will stay in is when it is empty.

Any ideas??

Pete :confused:
Pressed CD/DVD as well?

My first thought was jamming detection (it's happened to one of my drives), but then it wouldn't stay in empty.

Try catching the system at BIOS startup, to see if it's the drive itself, or maybe software (since with the system held at the BIOS options, there will be no software accessing the drive) - if it won't hold media in at that point, I'd be suspecting the drive.

Unless floppy-less, a boot floppy with CD drivers is also a useful diagnostic tool, as you can prove basic functionality (READ only) of an optical drive, without the many issues that can afflict Windows.