toshiba sdr6372


New member
Using Imation DVD+R with dvdxcopy and clonedvd but when i try copying a dvd to dvd+r it does not copy all of the movie and what it does copy is jumpy!! HELP!!! PLEASE :eek:
Kello said:
Using Imation DVD+R
have a look at our media rubric:
as far as i remember "Imation" is not known as qualitity brand;

with dvdxcopy and clonedvd but when i try copying a dvd to dvd+r it does not copy all of the movie and what it does copy is jumpy!
nobody of our crew is using this method; so all we can recommend is, have a look at our tutorials:

Greetings from


New member
I have a Toshiba DVD burner as well and do not have trouble with the "Imation" DVS's in the +R or -R . BUT it will not and I mean will not work with Memorex +R. I also use Phillips with no problem. I returned one burner because it would not work. After installing the second burner I discovered it was the Menorex DVD's. I don't know why but I have seen it for myself.
I do not use the software that you are talking about either but the tutorials that Duracell mentioned will help you a lot.
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@ kello good advice above <> one point what OS u using?