to ChickenMan - SVCD or VCD on a DVD+R

@ ChickenMan

You seems to be the real expert in all questions about MPEG streams. I'm trying to create a DVD, only with freeware tools, which stores existing VCD Stream or SVCD stream with no luck.

Can you give me a hint how to do it without patching headers, changing resolution, demultiplexing or reencoding. Simple store an mpeg1/mpeg2 stream on 4.3 Gb.

If someone else knows a solution feel free to reply :)
VCD's pic size are DVD compliant but the Audio is not. You need to demux the mpg file to *.m1v and *.mp2, then use BeSweet to resample 44.1khz audio to 48khz audio.

Rename the 2 files to be the same ie: GLADIATOR.m1v and GLADIATOR.mpa (audio to be mpa, not mp2) load into SpruceUp to Author and burn out with Nero to DVD+R

For SVCD, possible need to do the same for the audio but the pic width of 480 is NOT a DVD standard, so IfoEdit needs to be run to "trick" SpruceUp accepting it and Authoring it, then use IfoEdit to change it back just prior to burning.

I have been playing around with this but not actually done it because I dont have a DVD Burner yet. Hope that helps.
ChickenMan said:
For SVCD, possible need to do the same for the audio but the pic width of 480 is NOT a DVD standard, so IfoEdit needs to be run to "trick" SpruceUp accepting it and Authoring it, then use IfoEdit to change it back just prior to burning.

I have been playing around with this but not actually done it because I dont have a DVD Burner yet. Hope that helps.
Are you refering to DVDPatcher rather than IfoEdit Chickenman?

Mind you I've not used IfoEdit for a while and I know it has been updated at least a couple of times since I last used it.

Anyhow you can also use DVDPatcher to fool your authoring package into thinking that your 480 width SVCD stream is actually a 352 width stream (which is standard) by patching it before loading it into your authoring package.

I actually use DVD Maestro and will use that as an example.
With SVCD I have to patch the video stream before I can import it into the Asset Bin.

Once I have imported the video stream I then need to remove it from the Asset Bin or close Maestro so that I can patch it back to its original width before importing it again.
(Maestro only verifies it 1st time it is imported and you can't patch the video stream whilst Maestro is using it.)
(I assume other authoring packages work on variations of this theme.)
Once the video stream is patched Maestro treats it as any normal video stream and has no problems authoring at SVCD resolutions.
Because 480 isn't an official DVD horizontal resolution they won't work on all DVD players.

I think that SVCD resolution has become an unofficial standard in that many current DVD players will happily support SVCD resolution. VCD resolution should work without any problems because it is an official resolution though.

I suggest you try it and see if it works with your setup. If you want to re-encode you might want to check another thread I have responded to with brief details about converting SVCD>DVD by re-encoding the video stream.

If you want any additional info feel free to ask and I'll see if I can help (unless CM or of the DVD/SVCD/VCD experts do the job first).;)
@WarpEnterprises, basically if your current DVD Player can playback SVCD no problems, then it should also be able to playback the same files in DVD format. As Taz69 said, you just have to give it a go on your setup. Also, re-encoding to standard DVD sizes will only lower the final pic quality.