to big to fit on a dvd-rw

my problem is thet when i have rip the dvd
and used ifi edit to remove audi files and subtitles
its still to big to fit on a dvd-rw
normaly the size stops att 5.4gb
what is it i doing wrong.
You need to transcode the video. check hxxp:// they have many tutorials, and there are many here as well, just use the search.

spltting dvds

Hi dalis,
I had the same prob as you, and you may be advised to encode etc. That works for some people however I find it takes ages to complete. I have an easy method that i had from another thread(rsubishop). It means you have to split the flim into 2 discs and you will loose the menu and extra features. However you keep the original film and sound quality and lets face it thats what we want.
open your ripped file and look at your vobs. creat a new VIDEO_TS file and move half your vobs to the second file.. KEEP THEM IN ORDER. the first file will have, for instance, VTS_01_1 , VTS_01_2 AND VTS_01_3 Your second file will have, for instance, VTS_01_4 AND VTS_01_5 . Rename them to VTS_01_1 AND VTS_01_2 NOTE: some movies when ripped will not be vts_01_x they may have a larger number such as vts_03_xx. for this method they must be 01 so rename all of them that way if they are not. once you have your 2 files that are renamed, open ifoedit and creat ifos. do this for each of your files by picking the vts_01_1 file only and saving the ifos the the same file. once both are done you in essence have 2 movies and treat it as such. after the ifos are created, use the get vts sectors button for each, and let it correct it for you. burn the video ts folder for each movie and using nereo udf/iso and your done.