Tmpg Dvd Author Help


New member
Hi all,
Hope someone can answer this ? I've started using TMPG ENC DVD AUTHOR and find it ok, the only thing is when i'm putting in the chapters manually i find there is no sound ( audio ) for me to follow, you know make it easier, especially if its a live concert your doing. Is this how the program should be,or is there something i don't have ticked ( even though i've looked ) to give me sound ? I know theres a speaker icon showing in the program at the chapter point, but i can't activate it one way or the other, it's just no audio, quite frustrating!
you should get audio when using the chapter cut edit part of dvd author.
it mostly depends on the file, i suggest you download a small clip from the net and then start a new project and try it out on the downloaded file.
I have authored many DVDs with program and found it to be excellent but occaisionally i also get no sound in the clip editor