Tip for CPU Utilization in WinXP

Solve a problem in Windows XP when right clicking on a file in Windows Explorer causes 100% CPU utilization!!! This only happens on files that have not been selected first with a left mouse click. This problem is reproducible on Pentium 3 and Pentium 4 machines of varying speed, does not happen on Pentium 2 systems.

I have been in dialog with MS regarding this issue and the QFE Team has denied fixing this issue since it will cause too many changes to critical code path . The workaround Microsoft has provided me said to Left Click on the file first before Right Clicking on it and bringing up the Right Click dialog box. If I have Single Click enabled in Windows Explorer I am not sure how I am supposed to follow the provided workaround since a Left Click on the file will cause the associated application to open the file. They are in the process of working up a KB article to detail this issue.

Although on Bugtraq a better workaround has been posted: Go to:

Control Panel > Display > Appearance Tab > Effects Button and disable (uncheck) the transition effects

Credits to Lex Croes who found this workaround!

My credits to BiG-BoY from VDOWN@NET Forum:D


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Left Click on the file first before Right Clicking on it and bringing up the Right Click dialog box. If I have Single Click enabled in Windows Explorer I am not sure how I am supposed to follow the provided workaround
To do this you just need to place the cursor over the file and wait, after a moment the file is selected.
weboneando is correct.

jasmin, the guy who spoke to you assumed that you have the mouse set to double-click for opening files, when in fact you are using the single-click (this is a setting that can easily be changed if you want).

If you prefer the single-click for opening files, then you can do as weboneando said. Let the mouse hover over the file for a second or two and the file will highlight, then you can right-click.

Thank you, jasmin, for the tip you provided. Some people will use the info.
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Hey, guys, I did not write this topic, I just (as I said at the end) COPIED & PASTED it from VDOWN@NET's Forum:)

I dont use single-click but I like to right-click a file without left-click it first. So, this text helped me to avoid 100% CPU Utilization when I right-click a file. That's all:D

With the problem I had I have been observing memory in WinMe.

I can drop from 250+ to 1 meg free for a couple seconds when I am surfing and clicking. I figured it might be the CLICKING.

I also think it might have something to do withg 64 meg on video board vs 128 and PIC surfing heavy. Mucho pages loaded into regular memory.

Remember I am not technical, I use what I think from all my past info.
ChiMusic i would recommend gettin rid of ME as it was just a test bed 4 some of the Win2000 ideas & i have never heard anything good about it.Win2000 & XP have much better memory management

ME is kinda like a beta & is 2 riddled with bugs & quirks that the updates can't fix

Yes, my kids are using WinME and after two years and a half I really know why Mr Bill's team name this OS ME:mad:

M(emory) E(ater):D :D :D :D :D

I tried it myself, but got fed up with the frequent lockup's & constant crashes & this was with it updated:p

About the only thing i liked about it was fomatting 2 get rid of it

Nice 1 jasmin:)


U know it's bad when 98se is much better & more reliable:)