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I've been burning dvds for almost a year now, and I finally came across one i couldnt get, Blade 2 wont work with dvd shrink. I have decryptor, I tried ripping it so I could shrink with dvd shrink, but I dont really have any Idea what Im doing. if someone could help, thanks
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Suggest U start here (DVD Tips) (DVD Tutorials)

& more details would be helpful
I don't know if this is your problem but. :eek: I sometimes have a problem with DVD Shrink so I just use For some reason which I don't know why 3.2 will get an error within the first minute and stop reading the file so then I just use 3.1 and it works fine. Hope that helps. :)
Other than that tell us what the error is you get.
Either use a previous version of shrink as suggested, or update Decryptor - some things apparently do need a new version of it.