Things That Are Difficult to Say When You're Drunk:

Things That Are Difficult to Say When You're Drunk:

Indubitably; Innovative; Preliminary; Proliferation; Cinnamon.

Things That Are VERY Difficult to Say When You're Drunk:

Specificity; Cogito ergo sum; British; Constitution; Passive-
aggressive disorder; Loquacious; Transubstantiate.

Things That Are Downright IMPOSSIBLE to Say When You're Drunk:

Thanks, but I don't want to have sex; Nope, no more booze for
me; Sorry, but you're not really my type; Good evening, officer,
isn't it lovely out tonight? Oh, I just couldn't-no one wants
to hear me sing!
Drunk or sober, I have a really hard time with the word "wasp", and "wasps" is impossible. Usually I get laughed at when I try, so I call them big black bees.
janiedriver said:
Drunk or sober, I have a really hard time with the word "wasp", and "wasps" is impossible. Usually I get laughed at when I try, so I call them big black bees.

a SOLUTION maby its to call them Hymenoptera their SCIENTIFIC group name :)



Main Entry: Hy·me·nop·tera

Pronunciation: "hI-m&-'näp-t&-r&

Function: noun plural

: an order of highly specialized insects with complete metamorphosis that include the bees, wasps, ants, ichneumon flies, sawflies, gall wasps, and related forms, that often associate in large colonies with complex social organization, and that have usually four membranous wings and the abdomen generally borne on a slender pedicel


so now you can janie just Scientifically :D
Up here in Scotland we call wasps & bees those annoyin stingin buggers :D

I was also stung once in the groin area by a wasp while cyclin down a big hill no handed & yes it did hit the sore area :rolleyes:

BaNzI :D
janiedriver said:
I know. Sad isn't it?? I think Google is my best friend when it comes to anything.:(
lol DON'T let HOUMAN hear you say that lmao :)

but heck 8.5 billion pages of information has to be good :)

so good someone took it a bit too serious note its not me btw lol ...

