There goes dgemu

Dragons Generation Might Be Taken Off
This message is written out of complete desperation, so please read it 'till its end.

We have recieved a message on October 18th, 2002 from our host's ISP saying that since our site is illegal we will have to take it down, and if we wont obey we'll get into legal issues - and thats bad... Anyway, we are going to have to delete the site from our current server and now we are left with 2 options - the first one is to completely remove the site off the internet - or we could transfer it to a new server - the problem is that a dedicated server costs to much and most companies dont accept PayPal - the method we are using to process donations and how we gather money for invetments on the site...
Please Note: We are still in a huge need for cash - now more than ever - u can, and please do, use the PayPal button to donate.

So we are asking you, the people who use this site and wish to keep it online, to help us by Helping Us Find A Good Server With The Following Features:
- Less than 100$/month
- Payments Can Be Made With PayPal
- No Content Restrictions
- At least 4GB of Space
- At least 200GB of Bandwidth
- SSI/CGI/PHP or more (SSI [Server Side Includes] and CGI are most important)

If you found such a site please hurry up and email me to so we could restore our site as soon as possible and allow the visitors to once more use our site. Please Make Sure It Answers The Requirements And Most Importantly Is That Payments Are To Be Processed by PayPal!

If we wont be able to restore the site I would like to say thanks to all of Dragons Generation Staff since its beginning, and special thanks to Jubo, Dizzer, FinalRaven, Whuden and GBATech, Those who have put their lives into the site, along with myself.

- Ben Bond
- Dragon's Generation's Webmaster


Staff member
Sad story ..
That is true !

I mailed them ... maybe I can give them a hand with hosting them ..
Not for free of course, but as you see with CDRSoft, we could offer a stable solution even for illegal content ..
Waiting for reply now :)