The recommended choice of burner for my needs/wants...

Hi there,

Im wanting to purchase a DVD Writer for the purpose of backing up DVD Movies and PS2 and/or Xbox games. (im yet to decide on PS2 or Xbox).

Im just wondering which brand and model you recommend for this purpose.

Im running a P3 (450mhz :() soon to be 540 ram, and a 40 or 60 gig HD. Currently W98SE but as soon as i upgrade ram and HD ill get WinXP Pro.

Im not sure what information you still might want but please let me know.




aslo i think u would be able to upgrade to xp now ur spec is fine really plus xp is alot better than 98se u will thank me later :rolleyes:
thanks for your help guys.

at present im only on 450mhz, 128 Ram, and 6.4 gig HD :( but ill upgrade the ram and HD asap.

with upgrading to a new processor can i just jam a new one in? or is it not as simple as id like it to be?
Probably not depends what your MOBO can take processor wise <> but if the MOBO is an old one an upgrade would help everything (processor RAM HD etc) to run faster as speeds have changed.Also having Raid on the MOBO is a good idea <> gives U more room for IDE devices!


if u wanna start doing dvds straight away i suggest the hd first so its big enough to take the image (4gb) then after that depending on ur ram type, if its ddr then some more ram definatley if its sdram then go for a new board and chip coz sdram pretty much sucks compared to ddr but hey at the end of the day its ur choice :)