the Nakamichi for line-in recording?

I want to transfer some old cassettes to cd. After some testing it's clear that there is a difference in sound(quality) between different programs. I don't want to do any editing, so the recordings have to be as close to the original as possible. What is the equivalent of Nakamichi for line-in recording?
generally nothing recording software is changing the sound;
differences are mostly in the quality of the build in peak level meter;
converting from analog signal to the digital wave is done by your soundcard and soundcard drivers;

use 16 bit 44.100 kHz as wave format;
in mixer control panel activate only the line in (also no output);
set signal volume to maximum available value without clipping/distortion by using the peak level meter;

i'm using WaveLab, but there are much more simply programms (i don't know), wich can handle simply recording without FX and editing;

Greetings from