the best noise reduction for wavlab4

arent those the declicker & denoiser? another good one is sonic foundry's noise reduction. noise reduction does work, but it changes the sound & quality if you try to take out too much noise.

I can vouch for the Sonic Foundry Noise Reduction Plug-in - easy to use, nice learning curve and good results.
so noise reduction plug (sound foundy) works good with wavelab4?

it did not work with cool edit 2000 with directx plug support!

now i have uninstalled Sound forge 5

but i have the noise red.plug

how can i use the plug with wavelab??
i'm not able to capture the noise print...

lore thanks
I've never used it with Wavelab - but the process with Soundforge is as follows.
Load up sample of noise.
Open noise reduction plug-in.
Click on the noiseprint tab.
Check capture noiseprint box.
Click preview.
It will analyse the audio and a graph should appear in the box.

If this isn't working in Wavelab then there could be some problems with compatibility i suppose?
Yes it works in Wavelab4, you find it in the right panel called "effect", just push a number a select the DX tab.
If you want to try the plugs I posted too, you have to do the same but selecting the VST tab.
Don't know about cool edit, anyway I suggest you to go with Wavelab, It's considered the best by PRO users ;)
Dont forget CEP 2.0, its declicker/decracker is one of the best (if you have time and a faster micro) and sometimes the denoiser does the job better than Sound Forge Pluggin and Wavelab.


now i know how use the sound foundry plug in with wave lab4

but i don't know how can i use the wavlab plug in!

can u tell me how can i....

i pick only the noise

i call the effects .....denoiser..

i can push "freeze" " a " "B" " store" what have i to do?????

i read the pdf and the help menu but i did find nothing
Ok, You have to play a bit with the 3 sliders to find which setting is best for your song, then you can store your settings in A o B pressing store and then A/B to save settings for later use (if you want to), Freeze means that the plugin will not adapt automatically, keeping the same noise floor for all the song; I don't use this one, but see which is the best for you.
The classic function is unknown to me, but I noticed I like it off.
Hope this helps ;)
hi lore


i did like u
i pick a small noise piece of audio

i call the effects (denoiser)

i push play selection , then STORE and A

i push RENDER down on the left

and the nothing changes!!!!
You don't need to play and store it...just make your settings and Render Selection/Process in place.
Sounds strange to me it doesn't work, are you sure?
Again, what kind of noise are you trying to clean?
Did you set up sliders correctly for the noise you r trying to clean?

This effect is very goog to clean LP/MC rustling background noise, and works fine for me, often it depends on the song you r cleaning, maybe the song ain't that noisy and you can't hear the difference :) Try to play a bit with other songs to ensure you'r using the plug correctly ;) You should hear the difference ! This plugs restored many bootlegs for me !
yes old record live of Litfiba

maybe i 'm too stupid:D

maybe i understood

i don't need to catch a noise print (like Sound forge5 or cool edit)

for u the best is noise reduction "sound foundry"?
Mhh I guess you r Italian, isn't it?
Why don't you come in IRC channel? Maybe could be easier discuss about it...;)